Transcript: Instrument Approaches at KSNA
CNK301: John Wayne Clearance, Chinook 301 requesting IFR clearance to John Wayne, we’d like to practice the ILS.
SNA_DEL: Chinook 301, John Wayne Clearance, good morning. Cleared to the John Wayne Airport via fly heading two two zero, vectors Seal Beach, direct. Maintain 2000, expect 4000 five minutes after departure. Departure frequency 127.20, squawk 3021.
CNK301: Cleared to John Wayne via heading 220, vectors Seal Beach, then direct. Maintain 2000, expect 4000 in 5 minutes, departure with 127.20, squawk 3021 for Chinook 301.
SNA_DEL: Chinook 301 readback correct.
CNK301: Ground, Chinook 301 at the Executive Hangers for taxi with Information Kilo.
SNA_GND: Chinook 301, John Wayne ground good morning. Runway 20 Right, Taxi via Alpha, Lima, Hold short runway 20 Left.
CNK301: Ok 20R via Alpha Lima hold short 20L, Chinook 301.
CNK301: Chinook 301 is holding short of 20L.
SNA_GND: Chinook 301, cross runway 20 Left and contact tower 126.80, have a nice flight.
CNK301: Cross the left and over to 126.8 for Chinook 301.
CNK301: John Wayne Tower Chinook 301 is ready to go runway two zero right.
SNA_TWR: Chinook 301 wind 220 at eight runway 20R cleared for takeoff, traffic is a 757 on a 4 mile final.
CNK301: Cleared for takeoff 20R and check the traffic, Chinook 301.
SNA_TWR: Chinook 301 contact Socal Departure..
CNK301: over to departure, Chinook 301.
CNK301: Socal Departure, Chinook 301 1200 climbing 2000.
LAX_DEP: Chinook 301, SoCal departure good morning, radar contact. Climb and maintain 4000, John Wayne altimeter 29.94.
CNK301: up to 4000 for Chinook 301.
LAX_DEP: Chinook 301 traffic 4 miles two oclock, southbound KingAir level 3500, report traffic in sight.
CNK301: Chinook 301 has the traffic in sight.
LAX_DEP: Chinook 301 roger, turn right heading 290 and maintain visual separation.
CNK301: Right 290 and we’ll maintain visual separation, Chinook 301.
LAX_DEP: Chinook 301 turn right heading 340, proceed direct Seal Beach when able
CNK301: Right 340 and we are going direct Seal Beach now for Chinook 301
SNA_APP:Chinook 301, depart Seal Beach heading 030, vectors ILS runway 20R approach.
CNK301: We’ll depart Seal Beach heading 030 for the ILS 20R approach, for Chinook 301.
SNA_APP: Chinook 301 descend and maintain 3000.
CNK301: down to 3000 Chinook 301.
SNA_APP: Chinook 301, traffic 2 o'clock, 5 miles, a 737 descending out of 3000 on the ILS, reduce speed to 190 or less.
CNK301: Slowing to 190 and traffic in sight for 301.
SNA_APP:Chinook 301 turn right heading 120.
CNK301: Right heading 120, Chinook 301.
SNA_APP:Chinook 301, 4 miles from SNAKE, turn right heading 170. Maintain 3000 until established on the localizer, cleared ILS RWY 20R approach.
CNK301: Right heading 170, 3000 till established and cleared ILS 19R approach for Chinook 301.
SNA_APP: Chinook 301 thank you, maintain 170 knots to LEMON, contact John Wayne tower 126.80
CNK301: 170 knots to LEMON and over to tower for Chinook 301
CNK301: John Wayne Tower, Chinook 301 ILS 20R.
SNA_TWR: Chinook 301, John Wayne tower welcome back. Traffic at your 11 O’clock is a Skyhawk on left base for the 20L, wind 220 at 8 runway 20R cleared to land.
CNK301: Traffic for the parallel and we’re cleared to land 20R, Chinook 301.
SNA_TWR: Chinook 301, Exit left at Echo, and contact ground 120.80.
CNK301: Left on Echo and 20.8 for Chinook 301, Have a nice day.
CNK301: Ground Chinook 301 on Echo looking for the Executive Hanger.
SNA_GND: Chinook 301, John Wayne Ground, Taxi to the ramp via Alpha
CNK301: To the ramp via Alpha for Chinook 301 thank you.